Grain Offer System Guide
  • First Time Users will need to create an account by clicking above
  • If you need assitance creating an account, refer to this how-to guide
  • Existing Clients please use same Username that you have before. Password will be default set to 1234 and upon logging in you can change your password to be customized.
Login to GRAIN OFFER SYSTEM With your Username and Password. If you need to reset you can do so through the Reset Button  
General Dashboard Screen will show your current offers along with the ability to sort/organize your dashboard by the tabs at the top.
Clicking in the upper right corner you can go to Settings and adjust your contact information or setup Preferences and Data Options.   
Clicking on "+Create Offer" will allow you to start submitting a new online offer.
Click on the +Create Offer button and a window will pop up. You can select Elevator, Location, Commodity, Delivery Period, Expiration, Bushels, Price Requested and Notes...
This offer will be added to your dashboard where you can then click on the "Offer #" to see the status of the offer and history of the offer.